Dividend Adjustment and Dividend Payment

Understanding Dividend Adjustment and Payment Rules: Following Key Details Provided
- For customers opening BUY orders, they must open them at least 2 sessions (sessions here refer to market trading days) before the Ex-Dividend Date and hold until the end of the session on the Ex-Dividend Date. They will receive the corresponding dividend payment on the Payment Day or 2 days after the Ex-Dividend Date.
- For customers opening SELL orders, if they open the orders within 2 sessions before the Ex-Dividend Date, the corresponding dividend value will be deducted.
- A list of trading instruments and their technical parameters is provided for guidance purposes.
- CFD spreads may increase within an hour before the close of the trading session, expiration date, or reporting date. Additionally, liquidity may decrease to a minimum level, preventing participation in or exit from the market.